
Commanders Recap

  November 17th, 2022   Monday Night Football Recap: “The People’s Quarterback” Everybody remembers Taylor Heineke’s signature NFC Wildcard game against Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2020. He made electrifying plays and stole the heart of every NFL fan for a week. It was a magical moment for an unknown hero that was sitting in class completing his degree only a week prior. Taylor’s remarkable performance gave Washington Commander’s fans an entertaining night, but still they did not see him as the guy.   Image via NBC Sports Fast forward to this season, Taylor has forced himself into this franchise's future. Let me set the stage! This past summer, Washington signed Taylor Heineke to a 1 year deal that did not pay much but offered a lot in incentives. The deal seemed to signal that Taylor would be a backup, if Washington could find a starting quarterback in free agency. Enter Carson Wentz, who the Commanders signed to be their starting QB. Washington was looking for a v

Blog 12: Final Blog

  The reason we blogged in social media class, is because it immerses you into the life of a content creator. We learned about all aspects of social media and applied it into our blogs.  Creating and maintaining a blog has taught me how to manage my digital footprint. There are many cautionary tales of people being cancelled for past mistakes. By blogging, I have learned to watch what I say and learned to look back to my digital past to make sure nothing is there.  Although I enjoyed trying something new, I don't think blogging is for me. I have trouble finding my voice in a blog and find it unnatural

Blog 10: Blog Logo

  I tried to incorporate the personal topics I have discussed such as fishing and sports. I tried to mimic the logos of many fishing companies by including a flying fish. To diversify my logo, I included other sports that I watch and have talked about on the blogs. I made sure to keep all the other sports in the same black color, so that it is more visually appealing.

Blog 9: Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix

     It seems this season of Formula 1 has changed the power dynamic of the teams. It is no longer a two team race for first place in the constructers cup with poor showings from Red Bull and Mercedes.The trend remained true in Australia and Ferrari found themselves on top of the podium.     Max Verstappen, who won his first world championship last year, did not finish after he experienced a leak of burning fluids. Verstappen has been in contention in each race but cannot make it across the leaderboard. Red Bull's other driver, Sergio Perez, has been the steady rock for the team and continued the trend with a second place finish in Australia.     The Mercedes team has won eight straight Constructers Championships, but that streak seems to be in real danger of ending. Their cars do not seem to be as fast as the other top teams and major changes are needed. Lewis Hamilton is struggling to even compete for the top three in the standings with the pace of the car.     Ferrari has domina

Blog 8: Career Path

  My ideal career choice would be to produce a top sports radio show or podcast. I have always been an avid listener of radio and enjoy the sports banter. Washington D.C. has many local sports radio stations, so there are multiple local opportunities.  To work in this industry, it is important to not only use social media to promote your show but also to keep up with what is going on in the world.       In the sports world, most news is broken over twitter and it is important to keep up with the news to keep the show as relevant as possible. Sports radio personalities also gain followings commenting and posting their takes about sports on social media. Social media seems to reward comedy, so often times radio show accounts and personalities will try to make jokes in order to get reposted.  It is important to understand social media in this career field because your success is reliant on it.

Blog 7: Personal Branding

  One of the biggest perks of social media is that it allows us to express itself. Thats why I believe that it is important to be able to express yourself but with caution. You must be careful with what you post because some topics are more sensitive than others to the public. An example of this is politics, because of the amount of volatility involved in these spaces online. It is one of my personal rules to not discuss politics because I see my friends engage in some nasty conversations online. Although it is important to express your right to free speech, I personally don't think it is worth all the negative replies you get.       Online branding and reputation can also affect your career. I know from a friend's experience about how online reputation can affect someones job. My friend was very active on twitter about politics and also worked for a charity for veterans. He was terminated because they found his twitter and told him it did not align with their companies beliefs

Blog #6 March Madness: The Most Special Month in Sports

     Every year when the month of March comes, it means that one of the most special sporting events is upon us. March Madness is a time where legends are made and goliaths are slain. Something that makes March Madness standout is how the country gets personally invested with the results. Across the United States people from all backgrounds rush to get their brackets filled out to predict the NCAA Basketball Tournaments in hopes that their bracket will stay perfect.     It seems like every year March Madness gives us some of the biggest upsets in sports, and this year is no different. As a fan you could not ask for a better game than when we saw blue blood Kentucky, coached by legendary Coach Calipari, fall to an unknown 15 seed St. Peter's. I had no idea that St. Peters was a university but they scorched their names into March Madness history. St. Peter's will join the list of underdog schools like Stephen F. Austin,  UMBC, and Loyola of Chicago who shocked the country.  As me