Blog 7: Personal Branding

 One of the biggest perks of social media is that it allows us to express itself. Thats why I believe that it is important to be able to express yourself but with caution. You must be careful with what you post because some topics are more sensitive than others to the public. An example of this is politics, because of the amount of volatility involved in these spaces online. It is one of my personal rules to not discuss politics because I see my friends engage in some nasty conversations online. Although it is important to express your right to free speech, I personally don't think it is worth all the negative replies you get.

     Online branding and reputation can also affect your career. I know from a friend's experience about how online reputation can affect someones job. My friend was very active on twitter about politics and also worked for a charity for veterans. He was terminated because they found his twitter and told him it did not align with their companies beliefs. Although this seems wrong, it all could have been avoided if he just kept those thoughts to himself. It is extremely important to think of this before you publish anything on social media.



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