Impression Management

Often times, we portray a different version of ourselves depending on the person we are engaging in conversation. For example, when someone is on a job interview they act more professional and dress in very nice attire. We do this to portray a version of yourself that we think the people around us want. This same thing happens on social media but can be more extreme. 

From my own experience on social media I have seen myself practice impression management but have seen others in a more extreme fashion. On Twitter, I purely post about Washington D.C. sports and engage with other like minded people on the app. Although I have other interest, my twitter account is used to keep up with the teams news and usually post my disapproval of the teams decisions. On Instagram, I mostly post about fishing and sports because I believe my friends find that part of my life most interesting. The most engagement I get on my post are the post of big fish I catch.

I feel that I mildly participate in impression management on social media but I have seen some extreme examples on twitter. One person I follow is an avid sports fan and discusses politics frequently. He has dedicated two different accounts to each of the topics and has two completely different sets of followers. He is not hiding anything distasteful he says because he uses his full name in both accounts. It is fascinating to ponder why someone takes the time to manage and post on two different accounts


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