Midterm Check In

    COMM 373 has been an interesting class so far, and we have covered many interesting topics. Cancel Culture is a topic that I enjoyed learning about because it is so prevalent in everyday life. Dr. Kennedy asked us interesting questions on the effectiveness of the practice and whether or not we think that cancelling someone is right. Furthermore, we watched a Ted Talk from Jon Ronson that shed light into the true effects of cancelling someone and how it destroys lives.

    The least interesting topic so far was dissociative anonymity. I found this topic to be less interesting because I am familiar with the practice over social media because it is so prevalent. Growing up in the age of technology has made me far too familiar with people hiding behind a blank profile and using it to say harmful things. It is hard for me to relate to any practice like this because I believe that, if you won't say under your name, you probably shouldn't be saying it at all.

    I would say that this class has made me aware of how our actions on social media have real world consequences. We must take caution when using social media and must go back to all of our post to make sure that we do not offend anyone. Employers could potentially see a post that they do not agree with and not hire you  because of your social media. Social media is a great power, but as Uncle Ben says in Spiderman....

Courtesy of knowyourmeme.com


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